Enrollment open for a limited time

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Failing The Bar Wasn't In Your 5 Year Plan

Get back on track and pass the bar exam with the proven bar prep course created by the author of the bestselling book!

Dear Frustrated Law School Graduate,

Let me guess...

You spent countless hours studying, pouring over outlines, watching mind-numbing lectures, and memorizing endless black letter law.

You sacrificed time with family and friends, put your life on hold, and pushed yourself to the brink of exhaustion.

You did everything "right" - followed all the advice from that "reliable" bar prep course that was supposed to be a sure thing, or maybe even hired a tutor.

And yet... you still failed the bar exam.

"What went wrong? I studied for months... I followed my bar prep course to the letter... I gave it everything I had. Why wasn't it enough?"

First, let me assure you: It's not your fault.

The truth is, traditional bar prep methods are outdated, inefficient, and simply don't work for many law grads.

They focus on cramming your head full of legal knowledge - knowledge you already have after three grueling years of law school.

The dirty little secret of the legal education industry is that traditional bar prep methods are fundamentally flawed. They're designed for a one-size-fits-all approach that simply doesn't work for many law school graduates.

But here's the secret they don't tell you:

Knowing the law isn't enough to pass the bar. It's necessary, but not sufficient.

What if I told you there was a better way?

A way that doesn't involve memorizing endless rules or listening to hours of dry lectures.

A way that's helped "repeater" and "retakers" across the country finally pass the bar exam - even after multiple failed attempts.

That way is an all new way to do bar prep, and it's called Counsel Table.

Counsel Table was designed and created by the author of Fck The Bar.


As amazing and life-changing as the book is, it doesn't come close to everything that author and company founder, Jessica Klein, has put into her bar prep course. 

The book (which you absolutely should read if you haven't!) is focused on one main essay strategy called The Klein Method.


Now, imagine The Klein Method, but amplify that awesomeness five more times!

That's what you get when you enroll and learn these additional study techniques that you won't find in the book or anywhere else.

Beyond The Book

there's so much more than you can imagine

Jessica has a LOT of other powerful strategies up her sleeve - strategies that are just as amazing as The Klein Method, but for the performance tests, for the MBEs, and for memorization. They're called:

The Error Logs

MBE Checkpoints

The Performance Test Playbook

The Speed Sheet

Memory Mechanisms

These strategies all work in concert. They're synergistic in how they help you speed through bar prep. For example, the Error Logs are used for MBEs, Essays, and Memorization... they kill 3 birds with 1 stone. 

Counsel Table's bang for your buck is far beyond reading Fck The Bar and trying to do things on your own.

In fact, Counsel Table is unlike any other bar prep course you've ever seen or tried. 

This is one of the most common comments we get from students who have tried Barbri, Themis, tutors, etc. before they came to Counsel Table. And they mean it in a very VERY good way

It's a breath of fresh air.

We've thrown out the old playbook and developed a revolutionary approach to bar exam preparation.

We don't waste your time with endless lectures or mind-numbing outlines. Instead, we teach you exactly what you need to know to pass the bar exam

you don't have to take our word for it

Here's what one former student had to say:

"I took the July 2019 bar and scored a 244 - I studied with Barbri but it was too difficult to keep up with. The second time, I self-studied with basically every outline out there. My study approach was def too unorganized. I sat for the Feb 2020 exam and scored a 260.

Before the October 2020 exam, I found Fck the Bar and reached out to Jessica Klein. I decided to go with her method and enrolled in her coaching program also - felt like it owuld be best to have someone to personally hold me accountable. I ended up passing the Oct 2020 exam (NJ) on my third try with a 317 so I really cannot recommend her program and coaching enough!"

- Rachel Hall


Imagine how it will feel to...

Walk into the bar exam feeling confident and prepared

Breeze through the MBE, knowing exactly how to approach each question

Finish the performance test with time to spare

Put an end to the cycle of failure and disappointment

Write essays that hit all the key points the examiners are looking for

See your name on the pass list and celebrate with your loved ones

Make your family, friends, and yourself proud

Start your legal career and earn the salary you deserve

Never have to study for the bar exam again

The Counsel Table Program gives you all the tools you need to make this a reality.



Take the course UNTIL YOU PASS the bar exam

That's right - you can take the course for as many attempts as you need until you pass.



Counsel Table

what's included

Here's what's included in the Counsel Table program

module #1

Stage 1 Essays
Phase 1 MBEs
Error Logs


module #2

Performance Test Training

Performance Test Playbook

Speed Sheet

Task Memo Mastery

Reading for Rule Extraction



module #3

MBE Checkpoint 1

MBE Checkpoint Calculator

MBE Point Triage


module #4

Stage 2 Essays

Phase 2 MBEs

MPT practice

Error Logs



module #5

The Essay Workshop

9 Video Training


module #6

Stage 3 Essays

Phase 2 MBEs

MPT Practice

Error Logs



module #7

MBE Checkpoint 2

MBE Checkpoint Calculator

MBE Point Triage


module #8

Practice Exam

Exam Review



module #9

Memory Mechanism


Closing Knowledge Gaps


module #10

Stage 4 Essays

Phase 3 MBEs

MPT Practice




I Finally Passed!

"The first time I took the bar I used Barbri and failed. The second time I tried a DIY method but that didn't work too well either because I failed again. Then I decided to use your study plan. And I finally passed!!!! I took my score from a 251 to a 303! I am SO HAPPY and so incredibly grateful to you for putting your program out there for others to use.

My future employer gave me two extra shots to take the bar, and I knew if I hadn't passed this time around I would lose my position. Everything was on the line for me and I am so glad that I trust you and your method to get me through it. THANK YOU!!!

I want you to know how much your program and Fck The Bar has impacted my life. Now that I can finally say I'm finally take my place at the counsel table, I will use every opportunity I have to tell future bar takers about Fck The Bar and how incredible your method is.

Again, thank you so, so, so, so, so, so, so much!!!!"

- Cassidy Crowley


I'm taking the bar exam for the 1st time...

...isn't Counsel Table just for repeaters?

Here's something most first-time bar takers don't consider...

If Counsel Table can help repeaters pass after they've failed using traditional methods...  imagine what it does for a first-time taker.

Here's what our success with repeaters really says:

the ultimate proof of superiority

Think about it logically for a moment... 

 We consistently help people pass who:

Failed using Barbri, Themis, and other traditional courses 

Failed despite months of dedicated study 

Failed even with private tutors 

Failed multiple times

And we help them pass with:

Less study time

Less stress 

More confidence 

Better scores 

Clearer understanding

Now ask yourself: What does that tell you about our method? 

It tells you that our system is fundamentally superior to traditional bar prep approaches.

Why This Matters for First-Time Takers

Consider this "Repeater Success" Paradox

 Repeaters come to us with:

Bad habits from traditional courses 

Mental baggage from past failures 

Skepticism and doubt 

Time constraints from work and life

Yet they still pass using our system. 

They don’t pass with Counsel Table because they’re a repeater, they pass with Counsel Table despite being a repeater. 

Our reputation for helping repeaters pass isn't just a testament to helping those who've failed - it's proof that our methods are simply better. 

 Now imagine:

Starting fresh with our superior methods 

Learning the right way from day one 

Building proper habits from the start 

Approaching the exam with our proven strategies 

Having the full power of our system behind your first attempt

real world proof

When Rachel failed using Barbri, she scored a 244. 

After using Counsel Table, she passed with a 317. 

Now imagine if Rachel had started with Counsel Table first - no wasted time, no bad habits to break, no emotional recovery needed. 

She could have just gotten a 317 the first time with Counsel Table. 


What a Counsel Table First-Timer Looks Like:

Philip Scharper Jr., MD, JD, MMM, FACHE

"Hi Jessica, I passed! Thank you again for your out of the box approach. I really appreciate your help!" 


Dr. Scharper enrolled in Counsel Table and passed the bar exam as a first-time taker, while also maintaining his demanding schedule as a Vitreoretinal Surgeon, Chief Medical Officer,  and a Clinical Assistant Professor.

His achievement underscores is a remarkable example of how dedication and effective preparation can lead to success, and how the effectiveness and streamlined approach of the Counsel Table program is designed to fit seamlessly into the busiest schedules. 


the smart choice is clear

Why risk becoming a repeater in the first place? 

If Counsel Table can help those who've failed multiple times using traditional methods, imagine how powerful it can be for you on your first attempt. 

Don't wait until after failing to discover there's a better way. Choose the system that's so effective, it even works for repeaters - and give yourself the absolute best chance of passing on your first try.

Here's what makes our program different

We teach you how to become great at taking the test, so you earn more points than ever before

It will become crystal-clear why you didn't pass before and how to fix it

You'll get step-by-step guidance on effective study techniques every step of the way

Our revolutionary approach has helped countless repeaters finally pass the bar

We teach you how to think like a bar examiner, so you know exactly what you're supposed to write

Our methods are based on cutting-edge research in cognitive science and test-taking psychology

We provide strategies that tailor to your personal weak spots and learning style

Our unique methods are not taught anywhere else - not in law school, not by tutors, not in other courses

Our step-by-step system leaves nothing to chance - you'll know exactly what to do every day of your prep

But here's the catch: Time is ticking away.

The next bar exam is approaching fast. Everyday you wait is another day lost - another day that could make the different between passing and failing.

Can you really afford to gamble with your future?

For a limited time, enrollment is open for The Counsel Table Program.

I know what you're thinking: "I've already spent thousands on bar prep. How is this any different?"

Here's the truth: The cost of failing the bar exam again far outweighs the investment in our program.

Think about:

The lost income from another 6 months of not being able to practice law

The cost of having to retake the exam yet again

The potential loss of job offers and career opportunities

The emotional toll of facing family and friends after another failure

Now, consider that with Counsel Table, you're not just paying for one shot at the exam...

You're investing in a program that will be there until you pass, no matter how many attempts it takes.

This isn't an expense  - it's a long-term investment in your success.

Can you really afford not to give yourself the best possible chance of passing?

You're not buying "yet another course" - you're securing your future in the legal profession.

Don't let another opportunity slip away. Invest in yourself and your career today.

The Counsel Table Program is your secret weapon. It's the missing piece you've been searching for. And it's available right now - but not for long, because enrollment WILL close.

If you're serious about passing the bar exam - if you're ready to put an end to the cycle of failure and disappointment - then you need to act now.

Don't spend another six months in bar exam purgatory.

Don't face the heartbreak of failure again.


Daniel Curiel

"AZ bar results came in today AND I'M ON THE PASS LIST!!!! Couldn't have done it without your help, your support, your book and your system! Thank YOU!"


Alexandra Bierman

"I received my bar number yesterday from Missouri and this is so surreal! I can't believe this is finally happening. I will be getting sworn in on November 6th by a Judge and will send pictures then. Thank you so so much! I can't thank you enough for your support and your program."


Kai Kahembe

"Jessica I passed. I can't believe it, I couldn't have done it without you. I'm in shock "


Our Innovative Course Is Superior

We've assisted students in passing the last 14 bar exams. 

Our students consistently reported that they LOVED our course and preferred it over any other program or tutor they tried previously.

We took the time to collect their feedback over the years, and asked AI to compile it for you so you don't have to:

take our word for it, or

guess what it's like to be a student inside the course.

Here's what it reported:

Score Improvement

Students across the board reported increased scores.

Although not typical, some had drastic score improvements like one student who went from 251 to 303, one student who scored an eye-watering 317, one student who got 25 points OVER his goal score, and another student who passed "with lots of points to spare."

Improved Essay Writing

Students mentioned significant improvements in their essay-writing skills.

Better Performance on the MPT

Several students noted feeling particularly well-prepared for this section.

While not typical, one student even scored a perfect 6 on BOTH of her MPTs.

Improved MBE Performance

Some students reported significant increases in their MBE scores.

Effective for Retakers

Many testimonials came from students who had failed previous attempts with other methods but succeeded with Counsel Table.

Confidence Building

Many students reported feeling more confident and prepared for the exam after using the program.

Time Efficient

Students noted that the program was more time-efficient than traditional methods, allowing them to balance preparation with other responsibilities.

Many Counsel Table students worked a full time job while also completing the course. This includes those who studied while running their own companies, non-profits, and even medical practices!

Simplicity and Focus

Students liked that the program cut out unnecessary information and focused on what was truly important for passing the exam.

Pattern Recognition

The course helped students recognize patterns in the exam, making it easier to approach different questions.

Clarity and Structure

The program provided clear guidance and a structured approach, which students found helpful and reassuring.


Students seemed to appreciate that the Counsel Table program offered a unique, efficient, and effective approach that gave them confidence and tangible results, especially after struggling with traditional bar prep methods.


John Nelson

"Jessica, I PASSED THE FUCKING BAR!!!!!!!! Not by a little, but by 25 points. Thank you for everything, you are amazing!!!!"


E. Kaylee Leidal

"Hi Jessica, Just wanted to let. you know that I received my email from D.C. yesterday with the news that I passed the F24 bar! My goal was a 280 and I got a 283 - a 24 point increase from my previous attempt in F23!! Thank you for the program and your assistance through the last few months - I genuinely could not have passed without this course and your guidance. THANK YOU!!!!"


Karina Frausto

"Hi Jessica, Did you get my Facebook message? I PASSED!!! I'm crying  Thank you for everything! "


unlock your full potential

With Our Premium and Elite Tiers

Premium & Elite Tiers now closed for enrollment

Enrolling in Counsel Table is the crucial first step towards passing the bar exam. But why stop there when you can supercharge your bar exam preparation?

Our Premium and Elite tiers are the ultimately support system for bar exam success.

why you need this

Even with the best strategies and techniques at your fingertips, the biggest danger you face right now is believing you can manage your preparation without external help or guidance.

It's a hard truth, but this overconfidence has derailed too many promising legal careers.

What you need is:

Unwavering support and guidance throughout your preparation

A massive boost in confidence in your ability to excel on the exam

An expert eye on your studies to ensure you progress properly 

You might be thinking, "I can do this on my own. I don't need help."

This belief - that you can manage your preparation without external help or guidance - is the single biggest threat to your success.

Remember, Einstein said, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

You need a fresh perspective, expert guidance, and a proven system to break through and finally pass the bar.

Premium Tier

Premium & Elite Tiers now closed for enrollment

Counsel Table Premium allows you to work directly with our hand-selected tutors.

Each tutor is a successful graduate of the Counsel Table Program who've been where you are and emerged victorious.

But these aren't just any successful graduates. They're the creme de la creme, the standout stars who not only mastered the Counsel Table Program but embody the very DNA of our company.

These tutors are the chosen few who: 

Demonstrated extraordinary results, often overcoming significant obstacles

Exhibit an unparalleled passion for helping other succeed

Possess a rare combination of intelligence, ambition, and empathy

Radiate positivity and support, creating an environment where success is inevitable

Our Premium Tier tutors are the living, breathing embodiment of what's possible when you fully embrace the Counsel Table method.

They've been hand-selected not just for their bar exam success, but for their exceptional ability to guide, motivate, and inspire.

Now they have a burning desire to light the way for others. They understand your struggles because they've lived them. They know the path to success because they've walked it. And now, they're ready to be your personal guides, cheerleaders, and success catalysts.

With Counsel Table Premium, you get a personal success team, committed to your triumph, invested in your journey, and passionate about seeing you join in their ranks as a licensed attorney.

Daily Accountability

Report your study block progress directly to your tutor. Your tutor personally tracks your studies, ensuring you stay on course every single day.

Unlimited Chat Support

Have a question? Your tutor is just a message away.

Weekly Group Sessions

Live sessions where your tutor addresses your most pressing concerns and provides targeted advice.

Exclusive Live Access to Success Interviews

Learn from those who've conquered the bar exam using the program and ask them all your questions about their experience.

Game Changing Exam Feedback

Personalized insights and detailed feedback on your practice exam that uncover hidden problem areas.

Live Training Participation

Be in the (Zoom) room where it happens. Be part of the brand new & live MPT training that will be recorded this cycle, as well as essay workshops, getting real-time insights you can't get anywhere else.

Tailored Strategies

Your tutor can adapt the Counsel Table method to your unique strengths and weaknesses, crafting a success plan that aligns with your learning style and addresses your specific challenges.

Exclusive Peer Community

You'll be part of an exclusive group of driven, like-minded students. Say goodbye to isolation during bar prep and hello to motivation, support, and camaraderie from peers who understand your journey.

Priority Access

Get a jump on bar prep. You will have access to the course and all the benefits of the Premium tier on November 1st, instead of waiting until the normal course access date of December 1st.

Elite Tier

Premium & Elite Tiers now closed for enrollment

Counsel Table Elite is the pinnacle of bar exam preparation.

This is not just another level of support, it's a transformative experience that puts you in direct contact with the architect of bar exam success herself - Jessica Klein.

As the creator of the Counsel Table Program, author of the game-changing book Fck The Bar, and the visionary behind the system that's rewriting the rules of bar exam preparation, the doors are open to an exclusive opportunity.

The Elite Tier is your chance to work directly with Jessica, tapping into the source of the methods that have helped countless students triumph over the bar exam.

This tier is intentionally limited to ensure that each Elite student receives the highest level of personalized attention.

It's designed for those who are fully committed to their success and understand the value of learning directly from the creator.

Remember, success leaves clues.

By choosing the Elite Tier, you're not just preparing for the bar exam - you're apprenticing with the master, absorbing the mindset, strategies, and insights that have helped create a wave of bar exam success stories.

Daily Accountability

Start each day with personal check-ins from Jessica. She'll review your progress and keep you laser-focused on your goals.

Unlimited Chat Support

Have a question? Jessica is just a message away.

Weekly Group Sessions

Live sessions where Jessica addresses your most pressing concerns and provides targeted advice.

Exclusive Live Access to Success Interviews

Learn from those who've conquered the bar exam using the program and ask them all your questions about their experience.

Game Changing Exam Feedback

Receive detailed, incisive feedback on your practice exams from Jessica. This is the same level of feedback that has transformed struggling students into top performers. One of her students scored a perfect 6 on both MPTs after implementing her feedback.

Live Training Participation

Be in the (Zoom) room where it happens. Be part of the brand new & live MPT training that will be recorded this cycle, as well as essay workshops, getting real-time insights you can't get anywhere else.

Tailored Strategies

Benefit from Jessica's ability to adapt the Counsel Table method to your unique strengths and weaknesses. She will personally craft a success plan that aligns with your learning style and addresses your specific challenges.

Exclusive Peer Community

You'll be part of an exclusive group of driven, like-minded students. Say goodbye to isolation during bar prep and hello to motivation, support, and camaraderie from peers who understand your journey.

Priority Access

Get a jump on bar prep. You will have access to the course and all the benefits of the Premium tier on November 1st, instead of waiting until the normal course access date of December 1st.

Unfiltered Access to the Creator's Mind

Get your questions answered directly by the person who developed the system. No intermediaries, no diluted information - just pure, potent strategies straight from the source.

Secure Your Success Now

Join Counsel Table Premium or Elite, and let's rewrite your bar exam story together.

Whether you opt for direct mentorship with Jessica or choose to work with one of our exceptional tutors, you're giving yourself the best possible chance at bar exam success.

Both options provide the accountability, support, and expert guidance you need to transform your bar prep journey.

The beauty of the Premium tier is that although working directly with Jessica Klein in the Elite tier offers unparalleled access to the creator of the Counsel Table method, the Premium tier offers students a different investment level.

Remember, the greatest risk is believing you can do this alone.

Can you really afford to gamble with your future? To maybe face another 6 months of lost income, another round of explaining to family and friends why you didn't pass, another hit to your confidence and career prospects?

Choose the support level that feels right for you, and join our Premium or Elite tier today to give yourself the best possible chance of passing the bar exam.


Our course is designed so you'll never have to use our

Until You Pass Guarantee

Just ask these guys...
Donte B. Grant

"Thank you so much for all of your help. Failing the bar exam is hard... but what's harder is regrouping and figuring out where we went wrong. I can honestly say you, your book, your method, and most importantly your F*CK THE BAR ENERGY 100% helped me pass the Georgia Bar Exam. I'm forever grateful for that. THANK YOU JESSICA KLEIN."


Chris Henderson

"I just wanted to let you know I passed the bar! Thanks for all your helpful guidance and encouragement. While I didn't complete the whole course you set up for me, I just a great deal of it and I think it totally helped me get over the finish line. I felt my MEEs were my strongest section and I owe you credit for helping me write out so many essays!"


Ready to achieve your goal?

Choose your enrollment tier:

Counsel Table


(CA & UBE)

Full 10 Module Course

All 80 Study Blocks

The Klein Method

The Error Logs

The MBE Checkpoints

The Performance Test Playbook

The Speed Sheet

The Memory Mechanisms

NEW: The Essay Workshop

All NEW this cycle: Performance Test Training 

Official National Conference of Bar Examiners MEEs and MPTs


Access to Course on Dec 1




Premium & Elite Tiers now closed for enrollment


(UBE Only)

Full 10 Module Course

All 80 Study Blocks

The Klein Method

The Error Logs

The MBE Checkpoints

The Performance Test Playbook

The Speed Sheet

The Memory Mechanisms

NEW: The Essay Workshop

All NEW this cycle: Performance Test Training 

Official National Conference of Bar Examiners MEEs and MPTs


Priority Access to Course on Nov 1

Daily Accountability Check-ins With Your Tutor

Unlimited Chat Support With Your Tutor

Weekly Group Sessions

Exclusive Live Access to Success Interviews

Detailed Practice Exam Feedback

Exclusive Participation in New Performance Training 

Live Essay Workshop Participation

Tailored Strategies & Adjustments To Your Studies Based On Your Progress

Exclusive Peer Community



Premium & Elite Tiers now closed for enrollment


(CA & UBE)

Full 10 Module Course

All 80 Study Blocks

The Klein Method

The Error Logs

The MBE Checkpoints

The Performance Test Playbook

The Speed Sheet

The Memory Mechanisms

NEW: The Essay Workshop

All NEW this cycle: Performance Test Training 

Official National Conference of Bar Examiners MEEs and MPTs


Priority Access to Course on Nov 1

Daily Accountability Check-ins With Jessica Klein

Unlimited Chat Support With Your Tutor

Weekly Group Sessions

Exclusive Live Access to Success Interviews

Detailed Practice Exam Feedback

Exclusive Participation in New Performance Training 

Live Essay Workshop Participation

Tailored Strategies & Adjustments To Your Studies Based On Your Progress

Exclusive Peer Community




Contact information

Billing address

Terms of Sale - Counsel Table

1. Product Description

1.1. The Product consists of digital access to bar exam preparation materials, study guides, and related content ("Course Materials") specific to the purchaser's selected state bar examination.

1.2. Access levels are available in four tiers:
- Early Start Access
- Basic Access
- Premium Access
- Elite Access

1.3. The specific features and content included in each tier are as detailed on the sales page at time of purchase. These features constitute the complete description of included services.

2. Access and Delivery

2.1. Access Timeline:
- Early Start Access: Immediate access upon purchase
- Premium and Elite Access: Access granted on November 1st for February exam cycles, and April 1st for July exam cycles
- Basic Access: Access granted on December 1st for February exam cycles, and May 1st for July exam cycles

2.2. Welcome materials and initial instructions will be provided immediately upon purchase for all tiers.

2.3. Access credentials will be delivered via email according to the timeline in Section 2.1.

2.4. Course access remains valid until the date of the purchaser's registered bar examination.

3. “Until You Pass” Guarantee

3.1. Students may re-enroll for subsequent attempts at the same state bar examination by providing proof of new exam registration.

3.2. Acceptable proof includes:
- Screenshot of completed state bar registration showing examination date, jurisdiction, and student name
- Official registration confirmation email showing examination date, jurisdiction, and student name

3.3. There is no limit to the number of re-enrollments permitted, provided:
- The student is the original purchaser
- The registration is for the same state bar examination
- Valid proof of registration is provided

3.4. Important Notice Regarding Bar Exam Changes: Many state bar examinations will be transitioning to a new format in the coming years. This course is specifically designed for the current version of the bar examination. Re-enrollment rights apply ONLY to the current version of the bar examination for which this course was designed.

3.5. Re-enrollment rights will NOT extend to:
* The NextGen Bar Examination
* Any substantially modified version of the state bar examination
* Any new or different format of the bar examination implemented by your state

3.6. It is the student's responsibility to verify whether their future examination date will use the current or new version of the bar examination. We reserve the right to deny re-enrollment for any examination that has transitioned to a new format or version.

4. Payment and Pricing

4.1. All payments must be made in full at time of purchase.

4.2. Third-party financing options (e.g., PayPal, Klarna, AfterPay, etc.) may be available but are subject to the terms and conditions of those providers. We are not party to any such financing arrangements.

5. Refund Policy

5.1. Due to the immediate availability of welcome materials and the digital nature of the Course Materials, no refunds will be provided under any circumstances.

5.2. By completing your purchase, you acknowledge that you are buying immediate access to digital materials that cannot be returned or refunded.

6. Disclaimers and Warranties

6.1. No Guarantee of Results: We do not guarantee or warrant that any student will pass the bar examination. Success depends on individual effort, preparation, and circumstances beyond our control.

6.2. Digital Access: While we maintain reliable systems, we cannot guarantee uninterrupted access to digital materials. In the event of technical issues, alternate access methods will be provided as soon as possible.

7. Technical Support

7.1. Email support is available for technical issues related to accessing Course Materials.

7.2. Response Times:
- Business Days: Within 24 hours
- Weekends: Within 48 hours

7.3. Support hours and response times are targets and not guaranteed.

8. Intellectual Property

8.1. All Course Materials are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

8.2. Access is granted for personal use only. Sharing, distributing, or reselling access is strictly prohibited.

9. Acceptance of Terms

9.1. By completing your purchase, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms of Sale.

9.2. You specifically acknowledge understanding of:
- The no-refund policy
- Access timing based on your selected tier
- The limitation of access until your examination date
- The absence of any guarantee of examination success

10. Modifications

10.1. We reserve the right to modify these terms at any time.

10.2. Current students will be notified of any material changes to these terms via email.
I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Premium Tier Best Value
    Counsel Table (UBE)$1695.00
  • Premium Tier Best Value
    Counsel Table (California)$1695.00
  • Premium Tier Best Value
    Premium (UBE)$2895.00
  • Premium Tier Best Value
    Elite (UBE)$5795.00
  • Premium Tier Best Value
    Elite (California)$5795.00

Early Start

Start Studying TODAY
Don't wait until the course opens on December 1st. Choose Early Start and get immediate access.

Add to your order for $475

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Counsel Table

for the Uniform Bar Exam

The last bar prep course you'll ever buy.

enroll now to access:

All 10 Modules

The Klein Method

The Error Logs

The MBE Checkpoints

The Performance Test Playbook

The Speed Sheet

The Memory Mechanisms

The Essay Workshop


financing available through our partners:



PayPal Pay Later

  • Total payment
  • 1xCounsel Table$0

All prices in USD

Meagan Crockett-Edsall

"I PASSED! I did Barbri.. Kaplan.. nothing is like your program. I'm EXTRA grateful today. Thank you!"



Frequently Asked Questions

  • When does the course start?
    Course access begins on December 1, 2024.

    Priority course access for Premium and Elite students begins on November 1, 2024.

    Course access for students electing the Early Start option begins immediately upon purchase.
  • Do I have enough time to do this program before the bar?
    If enrollment is open, that means there is still enough time to complete the program, assuming:

    1. You can study FULL TIME (12 Study Blocks per week for an average of 5 hours per Study Block = 60 hours per week)

    2. You do not require any accommodations (accommodations extend the amount of time needed to complete assignments)

    3. Your typing speed is at least 60 wpm after testing yourself here with the 2 minute benchmark test: https://www.typingtest.com/

    4. You have either graduated with a JD from a US law school, or, taken the bar exam within the past 6 months after completing another bar prep course.

    5. You are fully fluent in English

    6. No personal or medical issues arise that disrupt your study schedule for more than 5 days

    For the February 2025 bar exam, that means the last day to enroll is December 23, 2024. It is critical that you begin your studies immediately upon enrollment, especially if you are close to this cut-off date.

    If your circumstances vary from ONE or more of the above assumptions, you ABSOLUTELY WILL NEED additional time if you wish to complete the program in its entirety. The more variances you have, the more time you will need.
  • I will be studying Part Time. When do you recommend I begin?
    If you have other responsibilities to balance during bar prep, such as a full time job, it is highly recommended you enroll and START the course immediately.

    This will give you the opportunity to find your bearings and put a few study blocks under your belt. There is no substitution for doing your first 3-5 study blocks to allow you to find your pace. You can always slow down your pace later on during bar prep, but you can never go back in time to start earlier!

    As a general rule, if you are going to complete a part time study schedule, you should begin bar prep NO LATER THAN Monday, November 11, 2024. This date is based on assuming:

    1. You can study Part Time (7 Study Blocks per week for an average of 5 hours per Study Block = 35 hours per week)

    2. You do not require any accommodations (accommodations extend the amount of time needed to complete assignments)

    3. Your typing speed is at least 60 wpm after testing yourself here with the 2 minute benchmark test: https://www.typingtest.com/

    4. You have either graduated with a JD from a US law school, or, taken the bar exam within the past 6 months after completing another bar prep course.

    5. You are fully fluent in English

    6. No personal or medical issues arise that disrupt your study schedule for more than 5 days

    7. You establish and maintain firm boundaries to protect sacred study time

    8. You prioritize your bar prep so that your Study Blocks are uninterrupted; if you “frankenstein” bits of study time from here and there, you will get “frankenstein” results

    9. You schedule your study time so that you invest your best mental focus and energy towards studying and not at the end of the day when your brain is fatigued

    For the February 2025 bar exam, the last day to enroll is December 23, 2024. However, if you are a part-time studier, you will already be behind if you start after November 11, 2024.

    If your circumstances vary from ONE or more of the above assumptions, you ABSOLUTELY WILL NEED additional time if you wish to complete the program in its entirety. The more variances you have, the more time you will need.
  • How long will I have access to the course?
    Until you pass the exam. Really!

    Here’s how it works: after each administration of the bar exam, all student accounts are disabled. Your account access will be reinstated if and when you register to take the bar exam again; simply submit a copy of your registration.

    Small print: Non-transferable. Bar exam registration name must match the name of the student enrolled in the course. Does not apply to additional or different jurisdictions. Additional or different jurisdictions purchased separately. This course only applies for the UBE bar exam, and NOT the NextGen bar exam that will begin to roll out in 2026.
  • What jurisdictions do you cover?
    This sales page is for those enrolling to take the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) in the following jurisdictions:

    New Hampshire
    New Jersey
    New Mexico
    New York
    North Carolina
    North Dakota
    Rhode Island
    South Carolina
    Washington DC
    West Virginia
    U.S. Virgin Islands

    If you are taking the California bar exam, select that sales page to purchase.

    If your jurisdiction is not listed, we do not offer a program for you at this time.
  • Do you guarantee I’ll pass?
    No. There are no guarantees.

    In fact, no one can guarantee you will pass the bar exam and if they do, RUN AWAY from them as fast as you can because they're just telling you what you want to hear to get your money from you.

    Passing the bar exam is a combination of many different factors, such as raw intelligence, work ethic, consistency, study strategy & habits, mental health wellness, external pressures & personal events, technology failures, illness, etc.

    The list is lengthy because there's no part of your life that doesn't affect your success or failure on the bar exam. No one can control all those things.

    What Counsel Table does is give you the very best study strategy, teach you good study habits, and offer support (for tutor tiers). You are in charge of whether you do the work. Your brain is in charge of whether it grasps and integrates the lessons and knowledge to learn what it needs.

    The guarantee we can make is that you will get the same assignments and training that has helped many other students (lots of them repeaters) pass the bar exam.

    You also have access to the course until you pass.
  • What’s your refund policy?
    To ensure transparency and set clear expectations, we have a no-refund policy and all sales are final. You are responsible for reviewing all information before purchasing. If you have questions, contact us before buying.

    Additionally, individuals who purchase with a “safety net” of the availability of a refund are not the fully-committed, “burn the boats” kind of students that this course is designed for, which can impact overall experience and results. This course is designed for those who want to be exceptionally successful and are prepared to take bold actions. If you’re looking for a cautious approach, this may not be the right fit for you.

    If this policy in any way concerns you, we advise against purchasing.
  • Can I transfer or share my course access to someone else?
    No, course access is non-transferable. Each purchase is for the individual who made it.

    Any unauthorized use, distribution, or copying of content or any unauthorized use, distribution, or sharing of your account will be FULLY PROSECUTED AS THE LAW PROVIDES.

    At the election of Counsel Table LLC, this may include, but may not be limited to, a termination of your account without refund, filing of a legal action, and/or REPORTING YOUR NAME TO THE APPROPRIATE STATE BAR OFFICIALS FOR UNETHICAL CONDUCT.
  • What are your pass rates?
    At Counsel Table, we're often asked about our bar exam pass rates. It's a natural question, but our answer might surprise you. Here's why we can’t offer pass rates – and more importantly, why that benefits you as a student.

    Unlike the giant bar prep companies, we don't have long-standing contracts with law schools that give us access to massive data sets of similarly situated students. Those corporations can pull statistics from entire graduating classes across multiple schools, providing them with an enormous pool of data that is statistically significant.

    But here's the thing: bigger doesn't always mean better, especially when it comes to your bar exam preparation.

    Counsel Table is a boutique program that attracts a diverse range of students:

    - First-time takers
    - Repeat candidates
    - Career changers
    - Working professionals
    - Recent graduates
    - Foreign graduates
    - JDs and LLMs
    - ABA Accredited law grads
    - Unaccredited law grads

    This diversity is our strength. However, it also means our student body isn't easily comparable to the homogeneous groups big companies use for their statistics.

    Pass rates can be misleading. They don't tell you:

    - How much time students spent studying
    - What additional resources they used
    - Their academic background or LSAT scores
    - Personal circumstances that may have affected their performance

    In short, pass rates don't give you the full story of a student's bar exam journey.

    No one can guarantee you will pass the bar exam – regardless of what pass rates they report. What we at Counsel Table can promise is a strategic, efficient, and powerful approach to bar prep that has helped numerous students achieve their goals. (Many of whom passed with us after being let down by those companies that publish pass rates.)

    Don't just take our word for it. Check out our testimonials to hear directly from students who've used Counsel Table to pass the bar exam and launch their legal careers.
  • Can I enroll in the course after the enrollment closing date? I only just found out about this program!
    No enrollments are permitted after the enrollment closing date. This policy is in place for several important reasons:

    1. To protect your interests in ensuring that any student who enrolls in the Counsel Table program has the best possible chance for a positive outcome. This goes beyond bar results. This also affects the student’s work load, stress and anxiety, learning outcomes, and causes frustration, overwhelm and confusion as to how to modify the program to the time allotted.

    2. To maintain program integrity and reputation. We value not just bar exam outcomes that reflect a quality bar prep experience, but student experience and satisfaction along the way. A truncated and chaotic course experience is diametrically opposed to our core values.

    3. To ensure the continuity of tutor instruction and group adhesion amongst our current students to enhance overall learning experience and prevent disruption.

    If you missed the enrollment deadline, we recommend exploring our other offerings, such as the Essay Workshop. This workshop has no enrollment limits and is highly regarded for helping students improve their essay skills and scores.
  • Are the materials included? Is there anything else I need to buy?
    You will be provided with all the essays and performance tests you need. We provide licensed MEEs and MPTs from the National Conference of Bar Examiners.

    MBEs are not provided, as we have found students prefer to supplement their course with an MBE subscription from UWorld or Adaptibar. MBE practice IS included in your assignments, and we provide instruction on how you should utilize UWorld / Adaptibar.

    If you have not yet purchased an MBE subscription and are looking for a recommendation, we have found that many students prefer UWorld, which has received the most positive feedback from our students. However, Adaptibar is also a good choice, and if you already have it, it is not necessary to purchase UWorld.

    If you've already sourced MBEs, check to be sure they are real MBEs, licensed from the NCBE. Some providers sell unlicensed (i.e., fake) MBEs that are “modeled after” the NCBE MBEs.

    Additionally, it is strongly recommended that you purchase Strategies & Tactics for the MBE by Emanuel. Although it is not required, it is a powerful resource that will be referenced for use during the program.

    NOTE: We have NO affiliation with UWorld, Adaptibar, or any other MBE provider, and receive no compensation or benefit whatsoever for any purchases made from those providers.
  • Do you grade my essays or PTs? Is there personal feedback?
    This course is self-paced. It is designed for law school graduates who are adept at learning independently and capable of autonomously studying with the instruction and direction provided inside the course, which has been designed for you to succeed on your own. As part of this entry-level tier of the course, we do not provide grading or personal feedback.

    However, if you opt for one of our higher-tier packages, you'll receive additional support that includes weekly group Q&A sessions and daily chat support with a tutor. During these sessions, you can ask questions and get guidance. Additionally, you will receive detailed grading and individual feedback on your practice exam MEEs and MPTs. You will also be added to a private community of other students who have elected the tutor tier.

    If you desire in-depth personal feedback, detailed grading, and to experience the course with a dedicated cohort, sharing insights and progress, you might consider the Premium or Elite enrollment options. These tiers are designed to provide more comprehensive support and tailored advice to help you refine your skills and improve your performance.
  • If I purchase the Premium or Elite tier, can I start the course before November 1st?
    The standard start date for the Counsel Table program is December 1st. The priority start date for those who elect the Premium or Elite enrollment is November 1st.

    However, we understand that some students prefer to begin their preparation earlier. For those Premium and Elite students who want to dive in before November 1st, we offer the Early Start option.

    Here's what you need to know:

    Early Access is a separate purchase: It's an additional option available to all students, regardless of their tier.

    How to get Early Start: Simply check the Early Start box when you enroll to add this option onto your purchase. If you have already purchased, you can purchase by contacting our support team.

    What Early Access includes: With Early Start, you'll be able to dive into the core course materials, start your study schedule, and begin working through the program at your own pace before the official November 1st start date.

    Please note that while Early Access opens up the core course content, the high-touch features of the Premium and Elite tiers (such as daily check-ins, live Q&A sessions, etc.) will still begin on November 1st as scheduled.

    Cost: The price for Early Start is the same for all students, regardless of which tier you've purchased.
  • If I purchase the Premium or Elite tier, do I get to stay in Premium/Elite for additional bar exam cycles under the "Until You Pass" Guarantee?
    It's important to understand the difference between our core Counsel Table Program and our Premium and Elite tiers.

    The core Counsel Table Program comes with an "until you pass" guarantee. This means you can access the basic program materials and study strategies for multiple bar exam cycles if needed, at no additional cost, until you pass the exam.

    However, the Premium and Elite tiers are different. These tiers offer intensive, personalized support for a specific bar exam cycle. They include features like daily check-ins, live Q&A sessions, and personalized feedback, which are time-intensive and limited in availability.

    Due to the high-touch nature of these tiers and our commitment to providing top-quality, personalized attention, the Premium and Elite tier access is limited to the specific bar exam cycle for which you purchase it. These tiers do not automatically renew or extend to future cycles under the "until you pass" guarantee.

    If you don't pass the bar exam after using the Premium or Elite tier and wish to have that level of support again, you would need to repurchase that tier for your next attempt. However, you will always have access to the basic program under our "until you pass" guarantee.

    We structure it this way to ensure that every student in our Premium and Elite tiers receives the highest level of personalized attention and support, which wouldn't be possible if we extended these tiers indefinitely.

    Remember, our goal is to give you the best possible chance of passing on your next attempt. Many of our Premium and Elite tier students find that the intensive support they receive sets them up for success, eliminating the need for future attempts.
  • Do you offer discounts or have sales?
    We do not. At Counsel Table, we believe in providing high-quality bar prep at a fair price. Our pricing reflects the true value of our program.

    We've made a conscious decision to avoid the "discount game" that's common in the industry for several reasons:

    Transparency: Our single price point means you always know you're getting our best offer.

    Fairness: We believe it's unfair to charge different prices to different students for the same high-quality program.

    Focus on Value: Instead of offering discounts, we continuously invest in improving our program and materials.

    Avoiding Inflated Pricing: We prefer to offer straightforward, honest pricing from the start rather than setting artificially high "regular" prices to offer dramatic discounts.

    While we don't offer individual discounts, we do partner with financing companies to help make our program more accessible.

    We encourage you to review our program descriptions, read testimonials from past students, and reach out to us with any questions. We're confident that once you understand the depth and quality of our program, you'll see the value in our straightforward pricing.

    Remember, investing in a high-quality bar prep program can make the difference between passing and failing the bar exam. When you consider the potential cost of having to retake the exam or delay starting your legal career, our program offers excellent value.
  • Can you bill my employer?
    Yes, we can bill your employer. Our support team would be happy to assist you in facilitating that process. Simply email hello@counseltable.com.
have questions?
Our team is here to support you every step of the way. Have questions? Email us at hello@counseltable.com.